Thursday 23 June 2016

Writing ( Will I be myself)

Will I be myself again?

2 years ago their was a famous singer named Jason Derulo, He nearly got replaced by a ugly  bald headed guy named Jordan Jaber for being famous, but luckily Jason punched him in the head by accident but that punch was as strong as a gorilla. It starts of like this.

When Jason Derulo was walking to the mall to buy outfits for his nieces, Nevaeh and Michelle, he didn’t notice  a guy was stalking him. When he finished shopping, he went to the back of his car and opened his boot to put the outfits in, but suddenly a giant guy just came and wacked him right in the head then kidnapped him and put him into a big green van.

When Jason woke up, he was tied to a chair with a big bomb beside him, he was so horrified that he doesn’t know where he is and how he got their. A guy was standing in front of him and introduced himself, “hi my name is Jordan Jaber and i’m here to talk to you about how your career is going.”

(That was when Jason didn’t know himself)

Jason looked really scared he didn’t know what to say, Jordan grabbed Jason by the neck and threatened him to say something, but their was no response, then Jordan leaned back and said “what is your name,”Jason paused for a while, “my  name?” Jason said.  “My name is…  Jason stopped, he was confused. “I don’t know my name” said Jason, Jordan laughed and grinned at Jason.
“I feel pessimistic” said Jason.. to be continued...


  1. Hey Tyrepa, I thought your story was interesting to read. I like how you had a cliffhanger at the end. Do you think you'll continue to write the next part of your story?

    1. Thanks for the comment Chantal and i dont know if I can continue writing my story but i´ll see

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hey Tyrepa well done on the story it was very well written and the cliff hanger was so suspending maybe next time you'd like to present it more creatively ?


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