Friday 19 August 2016

Racing with supportment

Racing with supportment

It was a very blistering hot day today, I feel so sweaty right now and we haven't even started the race yet. I see a lot of cars and I hear a lot of sirens. As I gently wiped my sweat of my head  I see my family members under a huge umbrella eating nice cold ice creams. When the race is about to start I can hear my family supporting me and waving at me, so I grinned with happiness and excitement, I see other racers getting ready for the big race so I got ready too.

I felt really nervous but excited at the same time. We wait, the crowd is quiet and all I hear is myself breathing feeling my sweat sliding down from my forehead Bang goes the gun and there I go riding on my bike with my carves burning really hot, but I still rode my bike with confidence. As I breath calmly I thought to myself am I way behind?, or am I in the front?.

I see the finish line, I can see my family and other people getting ready to take a picture, I couldn’t believe that I came this far, hearing the crowd saying my name, listening to the sound of the cameras clicking, seeing the flashlight from the cameras, as soon as I past that finish line, I felt so Proud of myself, no matter what place I came in I still past that finish line with confidence and happiness and my family supporting me.

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